This weekend saw my car boot debut. Of course I've been to them before, I think, but never with a serious shopping list, lots of one pound coins and irritating enthusiasm. We were all set. I'd found the website and looked where the car could be parked.
Alas, our plans changed slightly and we ended up the wrong side of Sussex on the morning of the sale. Two traffic jams (bad ones) and enough temporary traffic lights to drive you crazy meant we limped into the sale at 2pm. Anyone else would have abandoned plan but I had visions of this chest of drawers, vintage curtains and old flour dredger waiting for me at the entrance.
Sadly we were greeted by two cars with their boots open. One had old golf caddies and the other had dirty, sad looking plastic baby toys. I whined like Jasper would. The only compensation was that there was a fruit stall who was almost giving away his wares, so late were we to arrive.
Five enormous mango's for £1. Five. Nick said I should be pleased.
We've been eating mango's non stop and today they were the catalyst to this beautiful salad. I mixed fresh cubes with black rice, spring onions, mint, lime zest and ginger. Then I tossed the whole lot in a gorgeous mirin, ginger and soy dressing.
It tastes delicious and looks good but still doesn't quite make up for the traffic jams.